Mum dropped me out at the lights and I crossed the road to where Herefordshire Stanza Group were doing their reading. There was a reasonable crowd gathered making the shop seem small and Lesley started off the proceedings with a few words. We all read in turn, first at the front of the shop then a few upstairs. I saw Andrea McClane and said hello, probably talking too long as my copoets were reading upstairs still. Her friend writes about ecological matters. I read in the garden, introducing my poem from the Herefordshire Waters collection by saying I was inspired by the brief to adapt a chapter of my novella into a poem. This gave me the opportunity to plug my story with a metaphorical wink. The poems were well received. Outside waiting for a friend whose son wasn’t in the mood for poetry readings two people came up and thanked me. I had a coffee and share of cake with Iain and met mum and Nadia to drive home. Nadia wanted to stop and get some cherries from what turned out to be a very expensive stall in front of a caravan. I bought some blueberries to make a smoothie when I got back. Now I sit at home listening to camera obscura with the dog. Tom is coming round. Also tired on his first day off in a while we will have a cuppa and a belated catch up which I am looking forward to as I type up this diary instalment. An undocumented life isn’t worth living. That’s right isn’t it?