Recovery phase blues
Despite taking extreme dosages of omega oil (4g/4000mg daily) my brain and particularly somatic system have not yet recovered from the seismic catastrophy of psychosis last April/May.
Omega oils supposedly are useful in recovering from the brain damage caused by psychosis in particular. Ten years ago, this was vanguard research, and its still not commonly known. A doctor described Omega oil as a “clean drug” meaning without side effects beyond the well known and unpleasant fish-oily reflux one can get. Meaning also, perhaps, if I got his subtext, that he didn’t think it did much. A friend was talking to me about CBD oil, and suggested that if you can’t OD on it and there’s no side effects, it’s not a drug, it’s food. Indeed, as far as I know, CBD is listed as a food supplement, and as such may be poorly regulated, though I am not saying that’s necessarily the case, I’m just not going to bother looking into it. I think it’s worth saying to be wary. I had been using CBD flower bud for relaxation and anti-anxiety properties regularly in the evenings until I was told by another doctor that we don’t know how it would interact with my Lithium, for example, and to be wary. Lithium itself is very heavy on organs, and may have been the cause of my low thyroid, which is only adding to the feeling of lethargy and despondancy that I feel each and every morning when I wake.
Like a lot of people I need my morning coffee. And a minimum of two more, before I can think about doing anything I want to do, never mind things that need doing, like the bloody dishes. Never mind the archaelogical sorting of the bookshelves, and the layers of geological writings, drawings, ephemera, and stationary that are piled up. Fossilised photographs and notes from people and times almost forgotten.
Time to do something else. Probably after another “danish breakfast” coffee and cigarette combo. Bye for now.